Parent Information


First and foremost, I want you to know that I will be a fair, honest, and loving teacher for your children. As a mother, these are the most important qualities that I can say I would want in my child's teacher. Please know that if you ever have questions, concerns, or comments, please feel comfortable contacting me. We can set up a face-to-face conference, we can email, or even have phone conference. I am here to do what is best for your children and open lines of communication are one major aspect of completing the task.

 This blog will be a tool that you can use to see what is going on in our classroom from week to week. The students and I will make a point to share a few things we have completed during the week, and it will also serve as a reminder of important dates, important homework assignments, etc. You can also access the school's website for information.

I look forward to working with you and your children this year. Fifth grade is a very important year, and I want you to be fully confident that I will strive to do what is best for each of the children. Thanks for you support in advance.

Amanda J. Jones
Robert E. Lee Elementary School
5th Grade Teacher